Saturday, October 23, 2010

Letter to the Beacon Herald by Phil Guest

I was a visitor to Stratford for many years and have recently become a resident of this fine com-munity. I have been following with interest the ongoing battle with Wal-Mart. If the residents of Stratford wish to see the effects Wal-Mart will have on a small city, look no further than Strathroy. It once had a thriving downtown similar to Stratford but slightly smaller. Once Wal-Mart moved into town, many small and long established businesses found they could not compete and were forced to close. The downtown area is now only a shell of what it once was.

Wal-Mart is not a Canadian company. It buys from the manufacturer that provides the lowest price.Little of their merchandise is Canadian and very little of their produce is local or even from Ontario. The quality of merchandise available in Wal-Mart cannot and will not match that of the current downtown merchants. Profits they make will not stay in the community or even the country. Wal-Mart will make money at the expense of the local community.A city the size of Stratford cannot afford that expense.The same is likely to happen here if Wal-Mart is allowed to build here. But businesses will not be the only ones to suffer. The job losses will exceed job positions at Wal-Mart. Positions at Wal-Mart will be mostly part time and low paying. Benefits will be nearly non-existent. Community involve-ment will be minimal in comparison to what it is now and that will result in the loss of many good community and sports groups that rely on local funding. The business tax base will be considerably reduced when small businesses close. The loss of jobs will mean less money to be spent in the com-munity, resulting in further closures.

For those members of the community who like living in Stratford, who enjoy the lifestyle of a vibrant community and wish to keep it that way, look carefully at the candidates in the upcoming election. There are candidates who want Stratford to remain a great place to live and visit, Lesley Walker-Fitzpatrick being the best choice.
I for one wish to see Stratford remain a vital and alive community with a healthy downtown core.

Phil Guest Stratford

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