Tuesday, October 26, 2010

At City Hall Election Night

Al Tucker, Kerry McManus and I waiting at City Hall for the results of the election waiting and waiting and waiting....

Not the quick computer results that we expected at 8:20. It was more like 10:30.

I was almost elected. There were only just over two hundred votes between Mr. Cuilliton and myself. The first three wards had elected me to council but the last ward bumped my name off the top 10.

The fact that I had a strong position on a very controversial issue was both an asset and a disadvantage. My supporters knew where I stood and agreed with me strongly. It is a hopeful thing that so many supported me because it shows how many other people have concerns about our future growth and development and protecting the character of our unique and special community. I will continue to speak out for wise growth and development in Stratford by advocating Smart Growth Ideas, Transition Towns Initiatives and Permaculture Principles to move forward in enlightened ways instead of continuing to be stuck in the dark age of increasing sprawl. We could be a leader in this important and crucial direction of wise community nurturance.

I want to thank my supporters for all the work and effort you made in support of my campaign.

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