I have sent this letter to Mayor Dan Mathieson and our newly elected city council:
Dear Stratford City Council,
It would be a dangerous precedent for our city to give in to the recent disrespectful and bullying tactics of Wal-mart as represented by the Craft Development Corporation on the Stockie lands in the east end of the city. We have the very real and strong support of the OMB decision by Mr. Colin Hefferon to protect our local planning rights and the interim control by-law wisely passed by the last city council. Our downtown is already fragile. Increasing sprawl to the level of this proposal is a very serious matter. And the consequences are now on your watch. If we give in now, we have lost the control of our planning rights. We would also lose the hope that the victory at the OMB gave not just to Stratford, but to many other communities who applauded the decision. Why should we allow an Arkansas based corporation to dominate our future development options? You must weigh the long-term well being of our city against narrow self-interests. What kind of Stratford will we pass on to the next generation? That is what hangs in the balance; a beautiful unique creative community with a real downtown or just another sterile strip city of sprawl.
Here is an interesting idea. OPA 10 requires first and foremost that new businesses locate downtown. Walmart has recently stated a new direction of trying smaller format stores. In the May 2005 Walmart flyer titled “Stratford Wal-Mart Update” this corporation stated: “Wal-Mart hopes to build a Store of The Community with each location. Merchandise is selected, people are hired, and buildings are designed to reflect customers, neighbours and the community on the whole.” I have seen no evidence of this promise only blatant disregard for the individuality of our community. But what if Walmart did build downtown? Their presence in this location could reverse the continuing trend of businesses leaving the downtown core as well as bringing a whole group of citizens back to shopping in the downtown. Imagine a Walmart building actually designed for Stratford. Perhaps on the Kalbfleish property on Erie St. There is parking with that property just across the street as well as the Erie St, parking lot. It could be a two-story building. And it could help our downtown recover instead of giving the core a potentially fatal blow if it located in the sprawl heavy east end. Walmart in the downtown could reverse the exit of businesses from the core and become an impetus for other businesses to start up downtown. If Walmart is determined to locate in Stratford, they could help our city instead of being a damaging force by building ‘a Store of Our Community’ downtown.
The character of our community (with our still real downtown) is attracting new, important and responsible companies. In a cover letter ‘A Message from the Mayor’ to Members of the Business Community and potential new businesses Mayor Dan Mathieson states: “Our thriving downtown is filled with intriguing shops and outstanding restaurants, giving Stratford a truly dynamic atmosphere.” What happens to this selling point if the downtown continues to lose businesses? It is already littered with empty storefronts. Walmart in the sprawl heavy east would accelerate an already dangerous and damaging trend. Our downtown needs hardware and food options to continue to serve our local neighborhood daily shopping needs.
We must not allow Walmart to divide us. If we give in now so much will be lost. United, we can protect our rights to guide our city with wise planning principles. The enlightened and wise OMB decision on OPA 10 and good planning is a strong protective precedence against this current challenge to the interim control by-law. We should not drop our resolve and give in to Walmart’s disregard for the well being of our city with the OMB victory backing our justified, legitimate and legal planning rights. Let Walmart earn our respect by following through on their May 2005 promise. We are an intelligent city but we must also be a wise community. Stand on guard for our Stratford.
Lesley Walker-Fitzpatrick
Dec. 12, 2010